How To Join Thieves Guild Oblivion

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You cannot join some guilds with negative karma, so i suggest joining in this order. After you join you can do the quests how ever you want. 1) Go to Chorrol and join up with the mages guild and fighters guild. 2) Join the arena 3) Join the thieves guild 4) Join the assassins last, since you'll have to kill someone. May 29, 2011  Best Answer: There are two ways of joining the Thieves Guild. Get caught stealing. Go to jail and serve your time. When you leave a dark elf will give you a note which invites you to the Garden of Daroeloth at midnight. Talk to beggars about the Grey Fox.

  • Or one can simply wait around the waterfront where Armand Christophe waits with his torch around midnight and simply talk to Amusei, Methredhel and Armand until they trigger the challenge. You can also raise your disposition with Armand and the Join Thieves Guild option will show up in the dialogue.
  • How to Join the Dark Brotherhood in Oblivion. Getting into the Dark Brotherhood is actually simple, just follow this article to find out how. Just remember, it's a GAME!
Oblivion thieves guild start

To join the Thieves Guild, traveling to Riften and arrive into contact withBrynjolf, who can become found at the market stalls or thé Bee and Barbtavérn during the day time. Brynjolf will process you and query yourwealth, before appealing you to assist him with a little plot. Thisbegins the first goal, A Opportunity Arrangement, in which yóu must steala band and place it on another person. If the goal is failed,Brynjolf will nevertheless give you the next quest.

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Journey straight down to the canaIsand enter The Rátway. Defeat the bandits and follow the tunnels tó TheRagged Flagon, head office of the Robbers Guild. Right here, Brynjolf willgive you the next quest, Acquiring Care of Business, tasking you withróughing up three business proprietors for bills he needs collected.